Lay Liturgical Ministries are a crucial element of Worship in the Episcopal Church. Liturgy quite literally means the work of the people; therefore, a Worship Service cannot be considered complete unless all of us are working together to praise God.
There are many aspects of work for which the laity of the Church are invited and encouraged to participate alongside their priest and deacon
The Ministry of Acolytes
The ministry of acolytes has existed nearly as long as there have been priests. At St. John’s, acolytes serve alongside our clergy in roles that express the liturgy of the Episcopal church. One Acolyte carries the processional cross, two others carry torches, signifying Christ’s light coming into the world. The Acolytes lead the procession into and out of the church. This group also leads clergy in the gospel procession. An acolyte assists at the altar; assists the ushers with offertory plates; By participating in this ministry, acolytes perform major roles in the worship service.
Please contact St. John’s office if you are interested in training for this ministry.
Altar Guild
![Alter Guild](
The Altar Guild is responsible for making the church ready for Sunday, weekday and special services such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Its members maintain the Church’s liturgical vestments and hangings, care for the altar silver and brass vessels and arrange for the floral displays that beautify the church.
Please contact Laura Simpson if you would like to join this beautiful ministry.
Chalice Bearers
![Chalice Bearers](
A chalice bearer, or Lay Eucharistic Minister, is a Lay person trained by the priest or deacon of the parish and then licensed by the bishop to administer the cup of consecrated wine at the eucharist.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers may further be trained to take the Holy Eucharist out from the gathered community to those unable to attend Worship for reasons of illness. Participating in this ministry is an extraordinary privilege and spiritually moving.
Please contact St. John’s office if you are interested in training for this ministry.
The primary role of a lector is to proclaim the Word of God from the Holy Scriptures. Lectors assist the priest by reading the First Reading, the Psalm, the Second Reading, and the Prayers of the People.
If you would like to sign up to read, please contact St. John’s office.
The mission of this ministry is to extend God’s love and welcome to those who enter our doors each Sunday. This important lay ministry is composed of numerous members from a variety of age groups who volunteer their time on a Sunday morning before and after the 9:30 service. Men and women of the Church may serve as Ushers at all Sunday and special liturgies.
Ushers help people get settled in on Sunday mornings, hand out bulletins, request “Thank You prayers,” welcome newcomers and record their names, asking them to sign the guest book, give directions to the rest room, hand out kids “Junior Papers” and crayons or soft books if they prefer, and most of all, be friendly and welcoming.
If you would like to serve as an Usher, please contact Lynn Russell.